Thursday, May 10, 2012

Weekend Ride

We went out for a ride last Saturday. It was mid 60s with only a slight breeze.

I didn't need a destination, just a direction. My fiance pointed in a direction and off we went. At the second intersection I was waiting for the oncoming traffic so I could turn left when a bike sitting at the red caught my eye. With my full face helm the rider couldn't see me watching him, but I could see him talking to his son on the back (I assume it was his son). They were on a Fat Boy and what caught my eye was that he pointed in our direction, in fact, at us. When I looked I could read what he said to his son "that is what I want next". That put an instant smile on my face. A traditionalist wanting a vrod, who woulda thought!

On we went. We rode though several small towns and ended up taking a break at a country cemetery. My fiance's grandfather was buried there and she wanted to make sure it was being taken care of. It was a nice and peaceful break.

We rode on a little more before coming home. I have to mention the move we watched that night, The Change Up. I laughed my butt off watching it.

I am sorry I didn't take any pictures of our adventure. Maybe next time. Ride safe and ride on!

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