Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

On behalf of all of us sons, husbands and fathers I would like to thank all of you mothers who put up with us.

Thank you for putting up with us when we were babies and needed our butts cleaned.

Thank you for putting up with us when we were children and peed on your favorite flowers.

Thank you for putting up with us when we were teens and came home drunk and holding our heads out of the toilet while we swore we would never drink again.

Thank you to the women that put up with us and would later take on our names.

Thank you for caring our seed and giving birth to start this all over again.

Thank you for putting up with our second and third childhoods.

Thank you for putting up with us when we are old and needing our butts cleaned.

Happy mother's day and I hope you spent it doing something for you.

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