Thursday, April 19, 2012

Tech: Wire Harness Cover

Awhile back I had made a plate for the speedometer to mount to. This plate mounted the gages where I wanted them but it did not cover the wire harness plug in the back. Well I finally got the time to make my cover.

I started with a piece of cardboard (like most of my modifications) and mocked up what I thought I wanted. When I was close to what looked right to me I flattened the cardboard and drew an outline on some aluminum sheeting I had (the same plate I used for the speedometer plate).

After it was drawn I used my Bladerunner (a table top jig saw) to cut out the profile.

I then used a small vise, a hammer and my hands to shape the bends.

I had to make adjustments as I went, but for the most part the cover fit right away.

To get the edges straight after bending I used a pedestal belt sander. This left a rough edge that I had ti file down before sanding. I used a sanding block to shape the bends so that they were uniform because when using black paint, light reflection can bring out the slightest mistakes.

I prepped it for primer and then sprayed it black.

I then had to mount it to the speedometer plate. I drilled .190" holes and used 8-32 button head screws and Locktite.

And the final look with the speedometer mounted.

I am very happy with the way this looks. I do not think this project took more than three hours of my time and now my wires are not exposed.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent post! I must thank you for this informative read. I hope you will post again soon.Kind regard Wire Harness Manufacturers
