Monday, April 2, 2012

Harrisburg Swap Meet

I had never been to the Harrisburg swap meet before, I have never been to Harrisburg, PA for that matter, so I was eager to see what they had going on. My fiance joined me for the 5 1/2 hour ride there from western New York. We packed up the three dogs and left on Saturday before the rain moved in.

The GPS wanted to take us on a rout I had never been on so I rerouted it to take us through Bradford because I knew that area. The rout was quick through New York but it quickly turned into back roads when we were in Pennsylvania.

I enjoyed the rout through the mountains and rural towns through out PA. So many scenic hills and wooded areas that the light rain didn't make much of a difference. About 20 minutes before Harrisburg the sky started falling. It rained so hard I had a tough time seeing the vehicle in front of me. Luckily with the GPS I could judge when turns were coming up so I didn't need to jam on the brakes when I could see them through the window.

The swap meet was going to be held at the Farm Show Complex so we decided to get a room at the Staybridge Hotel. I was told that this hotel had been completed late last year, so everything was new. I was not expecting a small kitchen in our room. This was nice because we had the dogs with us and I wanted to limit the amount of time they had to sit in the van (the van was set up nicely for them).

After checking in we decided to visit the local Haley Davidson dealer, Susquehanna Valley Harley-Davidson. This was a nice dealership. They had two new Vrods and a flat black Muscle. They did not have may parts, and per usual, no VRSC section. They were running a pre Swap Meet Sale on many of their items.

I am getting married this August and have not found a wedding ring yet. I saw a ring I liked and joked about that being my wedding ring. Not funny I guess. =)

After the dealership we grabbed some food at the grocery store and holed up in the hotel.

In the morning we were welcomed to a good breakfast at the hotel then we loaded up the van and drove around the corner to the swap meet.

At the meet there was an assortment of people, parts, bikes and merchandise. Instead of describing it all, I will post a few pictures.

I enjoyed my time at the show and would have liked to take a little more time digging into what everyone had but with the dogs in the van, I didn't want to leave them alone too long (our dogs are spoiled and were in no danger at any time). I only bought one thing, a used $65 fork bag in great condition for $20.

Our ride home was pleasant. It did not rain and there are plenty of great mountain and woodland views as well as the great little towns that dot the land. I let the GPS take us on a different rout home. This rout was quicker through PA but slower through NY.

This was a good way to spend the weekend.

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