Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Tech: Front Turn Signal Relocation

I finally bought the relocation kit to finish my turn signal project. I went over the rear turn signals in an earlier post. I will go over the front today.

Here is a picture before I started the project.

I first started by unscrewing the turn signals.

Then I removed the left front side cover and the air box cover. I was able to follow the wires from the lights to the plug and unplugged them. Make sure you mark the plug so you wire the new pug correctly. Both lights share the same plug, with three wires each. A couple of zip straps needed to be cut.

I could have cut the old wires and removed them easily, but I wanted to keep them as one unit so I had to unbolt the headlight and headlight bracket to give myself some room to work with.

Once the old parts were removed I bolted the new mount to the new light snugly, but loose enough I could adjust it when I placed it against the bike. When I had the angle I wanted, I tightened the bolt and then bolted the mount to the triple tree. The instructions say to run the wires above the bottom triple tree, but I went underneath. I fed the wires up to the air box and used new zip ties to keep the wires where I wanted them. I cut about 12" of wire off so that there wasn't so much to tuck into the frame before crimping the plug ends and then pressing them into the new plug that comes with the turn signal kit.

When the wiring was done I bolted the headlight mount back on as well as the headlight. Refer to the service manual for the headlight alignment.

Here are a few pictures of the new lights.

I like that the front lights sit like the rear lights do, almost as if I planned it that way...

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