Friday, March 2, 2012

First Ride of 2012

Let me start off by saying I had a rough week this week. At work things have slowed down and even though it happens every few months and I have been in the machining trades for 12 years, it still bothers me every time. At home my teen age son has been getting into trouble. I had a lot of pent up negative energy.

This morning I woke up just hoping that the temperature would break the 40 degree mark so I could get the bike out. No such luck. It only made it to 35 degrees by the time I had to leave for work and I do not have good cold weather gear, so I was a bit disappointed to start the day off. All day at work I watched the temperature rise and the sun came out. It was making me itch like poison ivy.

At the end of the work day I almost ran for the door. On the drive home I noticed the temperature was up to 50, but the clouds were rolling in.

When I got home I went in the house and said "hi/bye" to my fiance and ran out the door to the garage. Fired the bike up and away I went.

I decided to hit some back roads because there was a storm warning for later and I figured the trees would help with the high winds when they got here. I rode to Chestnut Ridge, a local state park, and rode through there. As I rode around, parents were at the play grounds with their little children. Walkers were out, some with pets.

My first stop was a little parking spot with just a bench. Awhile back after a night of all you can eat crab legs, this is where I proposed to my fiance. It looks much nicer in the summer.

I rode around a bit more. The roads were not bad. There was a bit of buckling in the roads and the turn arounds were a mess. The turn arounds still had snow and ice in spots, so to avoid those I had to ride through the mud and muck. Wide street tires are not meant for that deep mud. I couldn't imagine what a 300 tire would do in the mud.

On the way out I had to stop and take a picture of far off Buffalo, New York. To the left of the tree you can barely make out Lake Erie.

I was out for almost an hour so I decided to head home and get some dinner. On the ride home the winds were picking up and the temperature was dropping quickly. By the time I got home, the temperature was 45 degrees. This was the first time I rode with out the small wind shield on. I noticed it in my chest at higher speeds, but the new full face helmet did it's job well.

I also took a picture of the muddy fender for giggles.

I don't know why or what does it, but when I was done riding I felt so much better. I was so happy to be able to get out today. Unfortunately there is a storm rolling in and I will not be able to get the hose out and wash the bike down. Oh well, it will be there next time.

Ride safe and maybe I will see you out there.

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome. Glad you could get out. Waiting for the same here in Wi. We just got 3 inches of snow yesterday so it will be awhile yet.

